Energy efficiency, logistics and procurement, water management and waste management are areas we pay attention to within Dreumex when it comes to sustainable operations. In each area, we have made great strides in recent years. You can read all about them below.

Energy efficiency

For many years, Dreumex has been looking at opportunities to reduce the use of energy. For example, old equipment is replaced by new and energy-efficient equipment. The electricity we use is green and we deploy energy-efficient LED lighting for both production and the office. Our switch to green energy has resulted in a CO2 reduction of some 150 tonnes*. An impact of no less than 60% on our total CO2 emissions. There are also plans to participate in a project for locally generated wind energy.

Logistics and procurement

An important part of logistics and procurement is transport. Raw materials and semi-finished products are preferably sourced in Europe. This makes delivery times and delivery routes shorter and more sustainable. Only external transporters are used who continuously optimise their logistics processes and thus reduce their CO2 emissions. And of course we opt for the best mode of transport in which transport units are efficiently loaded (e.g. driving with fully loaded containers). We also replace our own fleet with electric, hybrid vehicles. Some 40% now drive electric.

Water management

We implement water-saving techniques and ensure that the water used in our production processes is carefully managed and treated. This is to minimise waste and pollution. Batch sizes are adjusted and scheduled efficiently so that we need to clean less and use less water. Compared to the baseline in 2020, the discharge of water-hazardous substances will be reduced by at least 60% by December 2026.

Waste management

Dreumex is committed to a zero-waste policy. We optimise our production processes to minimise waste and scrap and encourage the reuse and recycling of materials. As much as 87% of our waste materials are recycled into new raw materials, green energy and grey energy. This avoids some 7 tonnes of CO2 emissions every year. This includes the separate collection and processing of glass, paper, metals and plastics. Thanks to a pallet wrapping machine we acquired a few years ago, foil use for wrapping pallets has dropped by as much as 65%. As a result, we have significantly reduced the use of plastic and there is less waste.

*Calculated via the Dutch Environmental Barometer (Milieubarometer)

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