When manufacturing products, you strive to deliver a flawless end product. To achieve that high standard, you have to maintain your workspace, tools and machinery in an excellent condition. That means battling heavy soiling by oil, grease, bitumen, paint and solvents, which you work with on a daily basis.
At Dreumex we have been developing products for the manufacturing industry for over seventy years. Our product range includes heavy-duty hand cleansing products and creams, industrial cleaners and degreasers. Our products are of outstanding quality and remove the heaviest soiling in an instant, without affecting your hands or your equipment.

Hand cleansing products
Our wide variety of industrial hand cleansing solutions includes heavy-duty scrub soaps, hand cleansing gels and pastes to battle all kinds of soiling. Together with our convenient dispensers they form the ideal combination to clean your hands quickly and effectively. Don’t have running water at your workplace? Our powerful cleaning wipes will do the trick.
Hand care and protection
To protect your hands from harmful substances like oil, grease, glue and paint, we developed a protective cream that can be applied at the beginning of the working day. At the end of the day it’s important to moisturise your hands with our reconditioning cream. This will allow the skin to repair itself and keep your hands healthy and pain free.

Industrial cleaners and degreasers
Not only your hands get contaminated – so do your tools and machinery. Persistent substances such as oil, grease and ink are easily removed by our industrial cleaners and degreasers. These products are developed to deeply penetrate the soiling and leave your equipment perfectly clean after rinsing.
Dreumex: a serious Leader
Dreumex has been developing and manufacturing cutting-edge, high-quality hand care and industrial cleaning products for over 70 years. With our high-quality solutions we promote a hygienic lifestyle and proudly assist professional manufacturers on a daily basis. We’ve never stopped delving into our customers’ changing needs – and never will stop innovating. Because we are serious about hygiene.
Dreumex. Serious hygiene.

Solutions for Manufacturing Industry

Dreumex Power Wipes® Hand & Tool Wipes

Dreumex Power Wipes® Ultra Hand & Tool Scrubber Wipes

Monk Disinfectant Wipes

Dreumex Disinfecting Wipes

Dreumex Pumicized Grime Grabber

Dreumex Smooth Grime Grabber

Monk Mechanics Heavy Duty Wipes

Dreumex Dispenser‑Mate 5000

Specialty Hand Cleaners

Dreumex Natural Care